
quarta-feira, 23 de março de 2011


Darkthrone - Discografia. (1988 - 2008)

Pass: NoiseSongArtSickness


1. Cromlech.
2. Sunrise Over Locus Mortis.
3. Soulside Journey.
4. Accumulation of Generalization.
5. Neptune Towers.
6. Sempiternal Sepulchrality.
7. Grave with a View.
8. Iconoclasm Sweeps Cappadocia.
9. Nor the Silent Whispers.
10. The Watchtower.
11. Eon.

1. Kathaarian Life Code.
2. In the Shadow of the Horns.
3. Paragon Belial.
4. Where Cold Winds Blow.
5. A Blaze in the Northern Sky.
6. The Pagan Winter.

1. Natassja in Eternal Sleep.
2. Summer of the Diabolical Holocaust.
3. The Dance of Eternal Shadows.
4. Unholy Black Metal.
5. To Walk the Infernal Fields.
6. Under a Funeral Moon.
7. Inn I De Dype Skogers Favn.
8. Crossing the Triangle of Flames.

1. Transilvanian Hunger.
2. Over Fjell Og Gjennom Torner.
3. Skald Av Satans Sol.
4. Slottet I Det Fjerne.
5. Graven Tåkeheimens Saler.
6. I En Hall Med Flesk Og Mjød.
7. As Flittermice As Satans Spys.
8. En Ås I Dype Skogen.

1. En Vind Av Sorg.
2. Triumphant Gleam.
3. The Hordes of Nebulah.
4. Hans Siste Vinter.
5. Beholding the Throne of Might.
6. Quintessence.
7. Snø Og Granskog. (Utferd)

1. Rex.
2. Pure Demoniac Blessing.
3. (The) Grimness Of Which Shepherds Mourn.
4. Sadomasochistic Rites.
5. As Desertshadows.
6. In His Lovely Kingdom.
7. Black Daimon.
8. Toward(s) The Thornfields.
9. (Birth Of Evil) Virgin Sin.
10. Green Cave Float.

1. Earth's Last Picture.
2. Blackwinged.
3. Gather For Attack On The Pearly Gates.
4. Black Victory Of Death.
5. Majestic Desolate Eye.
6. Blasphemer.
7. Ravnajuv.
8. The Serpents Harvest.

1. Lifeless.
2. The Beast.
3. The Claws Of Time.
4. Across The Vacuum.
5. Ravishing Grimness.
6. To the Death. (Under The King)

1. Weakling Avenger.
2. Raining Murder.
3. Sin Origin.
4. Command.
5. I, Voidhanger.
6. Wreak.

1. Rust.
2. Det Svartner Nå.
3. Fucked Up and Ready to Die.
4. Ytterst I Livet.
5. Divided We Stand.
6. Striving for a Piece of Lucifer.
7. In Honour of Thy Name.

1. Order of the Ominous.
2. Information Wants to Be Syndicated.
3. Sjakk Matt Jesu Krist.
4. Straightening Sharks in Heaven.
5. Alle Gegen Alle.
6. Man Tenker Sitt.
7. Sacrificing to the God of Doubt.
8. Hate Is the Law.
9. Rawness Obsolete.

1. Too Old Too Cold.
2. High On Cold War.
3. Love In A Void.
4. Graveyard Slut.

1. The Cult of Goliath.
2. Too Old, Too Cold.
3. Atomic Coming.
4. Graveyard Slut.
5. Underdogs and Overlords.
6. Whisky Funeral.
7. De Underjordiske. (Ælia Capitolina)
8. Tyster På Gud.
9. Shut Up.
10. Forebyggende Krig.

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